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XML Introduction & XSLT, XPATH - (public class max is 5 students)

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XML Introduction - One Day  (see below for XSLT, XPATH outline for day 2)

Course Description
With your HTML knowledge, you have a solid foundation for working with markup languages. However, unlike HTML, XML is more flexible, allowing for custom tag creation. This course introduces the fundamentals of XML and its related technologies so that you can create your own markup language.

Course Objective: You will learn XML to create open, non-proprietary markup languages.

Target Student: A person who possesses previous HTML or other markup language experience.

Prerequisites: To ensure your success, we recommend you first take the HTML & CSS Introduction and Intermediate or have equivalent knowledge.

Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.

Performance-Based Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Explore the capabilities of the Extensible Markup Language and examine an environment used to develop XML documents.
  • Create a well-formed XML document.
  • Validate an XML document.
  • Access XML documents with APIs.
  • Format and transform XML documents.
  • Link XML documents.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Getting Started with XML

Topic 1A: Determine When to Use XML

Lesson 2: Creating an XML Document

Topic 2A: Create XML Elements
Topic 2B: Create XML Attributes
Topic 2C: Insert XML Entities
Topic 2D: Create Additional XML Document Components
Topic 2E: Implement Namespaces

Lesson 3: Validating an XML Document

Topic 3A: Validate XML with a DTD
Topic 3B: Create a DTD
Topic 3C: Validate XML with a Schema
Topic 3D: Create a Schema

Lesson 4: Accessing XML Documents with APIs

Topic 4A: Access an XML Document Using the Document Object Model (DOM)
Topic 4B: Manipulate XML Data Using the Simple API for XML (SAX)

Lesson 5: Formatting and Transforming XML Documents

Topic 5A: Display an XML Document Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Topic 5B: Transform XML to XML
Topic 5C: Transform XML to HTML
Topic 5D: Create an XSL-FO Document
Topic 5E: Display an XML Document Using XSL-FO

Lesson 6: Linking XML Documents

Topic 6A: Use XLink to Link to an External Document
Topic 6B: Link to External Sources Using the HTML Namespace


Overview: This course introduces the XSLT language (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations). The XSLT specification is maintained by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and is a core part of the growing family of XML technologies. A related XML technology is the XPath language, which is required for using XSLT stylesheets. Students in this course will therefore learn the basic elements of the XSLT language, as well as the syntax of XPath. The numerous built-in XPath functions are also covered thoroughly. Using XSLT and XPath, students will transform XML documents into other XML documents, and into HTML for display in a browser. The MSXML parser is used in conjunction with the Internet Explorer browser for data examples.

Prerequisites: This course was designed for the student who is familiar with the general concepts involved in XML. Students should have a solid grounding in HTML. Some knowledge of basic programming concepts and/or experience with Web scripting (VBScript or JavaScript) would be helpful. Prior to taking this course, students should take the following Element K courses or have equivalent knowledge:

HTML 4.0 Level 1 , HTML 4.0 Level 2 , Cascading Style Sheets , XML Introduction , Introduction to Programming

Delivery: Instructor-led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.

Benefits: Students will learn the basics of the XSLT and XPath languages. This includes how to work with XSLT templates, various XSLT elements including conditional elements, recursive techniques, XPath pattern matching, XPath filters, and the numerous built-in XPath functions.

Target student: This course is for anyone already introduced to the basics of XML and its related technologies, and who is interested in XML programming. Students should have a strong background with HTML, and preferably have some knowledge of CSS and general programming concepts.

Performanced-based objectives
  • Use the MSXML stylesheet processor to view the output of an XSLT transformation.
  • Transform an XML document into both HTML and alternate XML documents.
  • Control XSLT output by using multiple templates and adding new content during document processing.
  • Use conditional elements to control XSLT processing flow.
  • Use Node-set and Boolean related XPath functions in XPath expressions.
  • Use String and Number related XPath functions in XPath expressions.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Introduction to XML Output

What is a Stylesheet?

Lesson 2: Basic XSLT Templates

XSLT Basics

Using HTML with XSLT

Output Other Than HTML

Lesson 3: Basic XSLT Templates, Part 2

The Nature of XSLT Templates

Elements, Attributes, Comments, and Text

Lesson 4: XSLT Conditional Elements

If/Then Conditionals

Testing Multiple Conditions

Using as a Conditional

Lesson 5: XPath Node-Set and Boolean Functions

XPath Node-Set Functions

XPath Boolean Functions

Lesson 6: XPath String and Number Functions

XPath String Functions

XPath Number Functions

Appendix A: XSLT Elements

Appendix B: XPath Functions

XPath Syntax

XPath Functions